sacred heart


Jesus Power Ministries


 Dedicated to helping people to become open to the power of God

 that can transform and enhance all our lives

Rescued by Jesus - the personal testimony of Fr. Thaddeus Doyle
Follow the steps in this tiny booklet and you will life "The Spirit Powered Life"
Near Death Experiences and "I Want To Go To Heaven The Moment I Die"
Join us on YouTube
Editorial message for April

Thoughts for April

Desire to experience real healing though prayer, and to see prayers answered again and again?
10 Tips for Parents who are out of their mind with Worry
God's Cottage Glendalough - A Major Step in Faith
God's Cottage Glendalough - Latest News
"Glendalough - The Pilgrim's Guide" including how St. Kevin exorcised Glendalough
Do you have difficulty concentrating on the Rosary? Then try this
Bringing Healing to One's Family 3 CD Set
Please join our petition for ethical vaccines and my coming engagement s
Don't let Satan have your family (See also my video of the same name on YouTube)
Why are these marriages so stable? Also finding ways to cope in a 'destructive' Marriage
The Curates Diary - the monthly magazine for the ordinary person

Confession - A Journey into Healing, Self Discovery and God's Love
Testimonies of lives being touched
Your help please
"Spiritual Childhood"
What Jesus can do for you
Are you taking the right steps to walk under God's anointing?
God Has a Plan for you & But I Get Nothing out of Mass

The World's Most Amazing Experience
Order Form for Publications

Price List of the books, booklets, and CDs by Rev. Thaddeus Doyle
Enrolment Form for Living in Jesus Association
What every Teenager should know about Casual Sex
Why Catholic adults should have a reenactment of their Baptism and Confirmation
Living in Jesus Association & Enrolment Form
2 Books with a Power to Change Lives
Does doing something wrong "in good conscience" excuse you?
bullet Archbishop Vigano's attack on Pope francis
bullet Warning about "The Warning Second Coming" messages


Charity No. CHY19187 (God's Cottage Charitable Trust)